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A code that allows differentiation between Principal, Budgetary-Hold, Secondary, and Conversion categories of Job Rows (codes are P, B, S, and C, respectively). Human Resources analytical reporting is generally concerned with Principal rows only (and sometimes with Budgetary-Hold rows).

The categories of Job Rows are defined below:

  • PRINCIPAL JOB ROW (P): The principal or sole Job Row for any given position; these are the job rows that are "meaningful" for purposes of (most) Human Resources analysis.

  • BUDGETARY-HOLD JOB ROW (B): Job rows that exist solely to identify payroll funding that is to be preserved for budgetary purposes. This generally occurs when the employee who normally works in a job -- or is paid from the budgeted chartstring(s) normally associated with that job -- and will presumably return to the job or budgeted funding is:

    • working in another position instead of the job in question; or,

    • paid for 100% of work in the same position from chartstring(s) other than the budgeted one(s); or,

    • on (full) leave from the job in question.

  • SECONDARY JOB ROW (S): Job rows that exist to denote "temporary" or "extra" pay associated with a concurrent Principal Job row:

    • for staff, to satisfy PPS requirements necessary to pay component(s) of compensation for a Principal Job described by another, concurrently-effective row of data; or,

    • for academics, to record temporary jobs (such as summer research or teaching work) which may have a different job code and/or Dept_ID from the employee's (permanent) Principal Job, but are tied to the Principal Job's compensation rate.

  • CONVERSION JOB ROW (C): Job rows converted from PPS on 7/1/2002 which have no JOB_EARNS_DIST child rows (and thus cannot be programmatically calculated from the rules described below). These are considered to be exceptional cases, though there are a significant number of such rows in the HRMS database.

Job rows are assigned to exactly one of the categories described above by applying the following rules, sequentially:

  1. A Job row whose PERSON.PER_STATUS = "N" (non-employee) is always a Principal Job row

  2. Employee records (PERSON.PER_STATUS = "E") are categorized as follows (see exceptional cases in #3, below):

    • A Job row is a Principal Job row if its distribution child-rows include at least one whose JOB_EARNS_DIST.ERNCD values:

      • denotes Regular Pay: REC, REG, REN, RG1, SLN, SLR, TAP

      • denotes By-Agreement compensation: BYA, BYN

      • denotes a Post-Doctoral Fellowship: FEL, FEN, FER

      • denotes Summer Session pay: SSR, SUM

      • denotes University Extension instructor pay: UNX

      • denotes a Without Salary appointment: WOS

      • denotes Military Leave special pay: MIL

      • denotes Sick-Leave/Worker's Comp compensation: ESL, SWC, SWP

    • A Job row is a Budgetary-Hold Job row if its distribution child-rows all have JOB_EARNS_DIST.ERNCD values of PRT and/or NPY

    • A Job row that is neither a Principal Job or a Budgetary-Hold Job row per the rules given above is a Secondary Job row

  3. Cases that are exceptions to the rules above include Terminated job rows, which have no distributions; and rows converted from PPS on 07/01/2002, when HRMS went into production.

    • Terminated Job Rows: if a job row carries the Action_Cd value "TER", it is terminated, and will not have any JOB_EARNS_DIST child-rows.

      • For such rows, the category will match the category of the row that precedes the Terminated row (prior effective-dated row with same EMPL_RCD_NO value).

      • If a job-row that precedes a TER job row is corrected (and its category re-calculated), the value of the subsequent TER row will be recalculated also (as described in the preceding bullet-point).

    • Converted Job Rows: Job rows converted when HRMS went into production (effective date <= 7/1/2002) which have zero JOB_EARNS_DIST child-rows are considered to be in an exception category: "Conversion" (code: "C")

JOB_ROW_CATEGORY was populated per the above rules for extant HRMS data on April 1, 2003. Subsequently, the value of this field in a given a row is determined when the row is saved (whether the row has just been created, or has just been edited/corrected).

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