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Provides code descriptions for values of ORG_NODE. For an explanation of the relationship between ORG_NODE and "Department," see documentation on Organization Tree Reports.

Contains fields:

A code describing the effective status of the code (or other element) described by a row of Data Warehouse data. "A" if this row is active; "I" if row is inactive.


The full description (name) of a code.


The short description (name) of the Org_Node described by this row of lookup table data.


Location of this Org_Node for tax purposes.


The organization to which the entity described by this row of data belongs (e.g., "UCB").

In the DEPT_TBL_LKUP view, the organization in which the Org_Node described by a row of data exists, e.g., "UCB".


The Berkeley campus organizational unit with which a job is associated. Codes are taken from the campus Organizational Tree. This code is not the same as any component piece of chartstrings that are part of the campus General Ledger.

In the lookup view DEPT_HIERARCHY_LKUP, a single record exists for each ORG_NODE. All levels of the UCB Organizational Tree associated with that ORG_NODE - which may occur at any level between 2 (Control Unit) and 7 (Org Code) - are given on the same row. This allows database joins that can always yield, for example, the Control Unit and Division in which an ORG_NODE occurs on the UCB Organizational Tree. Levels below that which a row in this table describes are populated with null or a placeholder (e.g., double-hyphen).

The DEPT_HIERARCHY_MAP view provides information about parent-nodes of the ORG_NODEs it describes.

Lookup view DEPT_TBL_LKUP provides descriptions for code values.


The effective date of this row of data. "Effective date" in PeopleSoft data sets means "the date this row of data took effect."


A key field internal to PeopleSoft HRMS, useful if the PeopleSoft installation tracks data for multiple organizations. At UC Berkeley, as of January 2004, all values of SETID are the same.


A key field internal to PeopleSoft HRMS, useful if the PeopleSoft installation tracks data for multiple organizations. At UC Berkeley, as of January 2004, all values of SETID are the same.


A key field internal to PeopleSoft HRMS, useful if the PeopleSoft installation tracks data for multiple organizations. At UC Berkeley, as of January 2004, all values of SETID are the same.